Modern Manuscripts from the Military History Institute Prague
In 2019, the Military History Institute Prague provided access to another 36 manuscripts, most of which come from the 18th century and are written in German. A homogeneous group is formed by several treatises by Johann Andreas von Traitteur on the military events in the Rhineland at the end of the 18th century; other works include especially texts on military exercises, Austrian, Saxon and Prussian military orders, theoretical works on fortification engineering, and historical-military reports on various conflicts (e.g. the Austro-Turkish War in 1787–1791 in IIR F 373 and the campaign in Italy in 1797 in IIR F 469). French texts are represented e.g. by the work on the Fortress of Arad in Romania by Jean Baptiste d'Estienne de Vauguez (IIR D 780), three volumes on military theory (IIR F 252/1–3), and a binder’s volume containing texts concerning fortifications (IIR B 2335).