Modern Documents from the Slavonic Library
In 2020, the National Library of the Czech Republic – Slavonic Library digitised seven documents: five manuscripts, one early printed book and one binder’s volume comprising manuscript and printed parts. The earliest volume is the so-called Trebnik of Peter Mogila, one of the most important works of Church Slavonic and Old Ukrainian literature, printed in the Kiev-Pechersk printing house in 1646. The other manuscripts were written mainly in the 18th century. Some of them contain ecclesiastical, especially liturgical texts; two manuscripts come from the collection of the Ragusiana of Milan Rešetar. The first of them is a treatise by the Ragusan biographer Sebastiano Dolci, De Origine Urbis Ragusinae; the second is a codex comprising two works by the Croatian diplomat and writer Jaketa Palmotić Dionorić – the epic Dubrovnik ponovljen and the tragedy Didone. The latest manuscript is the signature book of the Ukrainian Republic Capella from their European and American tours in 1919–1923.