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Modern Manuscripts from the Museum and Gallery in Prostějov

Three manuscripts from the collections of the Museum and Gallery in Prostějov were digitised in 2024. The oldest of them is the guild book of the fishermen’s guild in Krnov (shelf mark 1651). It began to be written around 1618 and was kept, albeit inconsistently, until 1853. The codex under the shelf mark 1652 contains copies of records of the decisions of the major senate of the court of appeal in 1689, made for Count Ignác Karel of Šternberk. The smallest of the three is a puppet-theatre play from 1787 (shelf mark Br 101), whose author was Josef Jan Šarapatka, a composer active in Žamberk.


A Hebrew Bible from the Library of the Latin School in Jáchymov

The oldest manuscript in the collections of the Library of the Latin School in Jáchymov has been digitised. It is a Hebrew Bible from 1384 (shelf mark LC 202), containing most of the books of the Old Testament. The scribe of the calligraphic manuscript was Eliezer ben Yitzhak. The codex, which was probably written in Southern Germany, was purchased in 1546 or 1547 by the headmaster of the Latin school and pastor in Jáchymov, Johannes Mathesius, who subsequently donated it to the library of the local school.


A Prayer Book from the Museum of the Bohemian Paradise in Turnov

In 2024, the Museum of the Bohemian Paradise in Turnov provided access to a prayer book from the 18th century (shelf mark R 106). In addition to the usual prayers for Mass, confession and communion, the Czech-language manuscript contains an extensive section devoted to saints. At the beginning, it has an engraving of the miraculous statuette of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Svatá Hora near Příbram.


Medieval Manuscripts from Muzeum Brněnska

In 2023, Muzeum Brněnska digitised three more medieval manuscripts from the library of the Benedictine Abbey in Rajhrad. Two volumes (R 352 and R 354) contain parts of the Bible with accompanying texts. The majority of the contents of the codex R 383 consist of works dedicated to Marian devotion - De laudibus virginis Mariae by Augustine of Ancona and Laus Mariae by Conrad of Heimburg; in addition, the manuscript contains writings of other authors of the second half of the 14th century, Matouš from Krakov and Henry of Langenstein, sermons and other texts.
